    Testimonial Picture of Peggy (1)
    Testimonial Picture of Peggy (2)

    You have given me a gift unlike any other. You gave me the tools to eating right and exercise. You gave me a new lease on life and a future I never dreamed I would have. I am looking forward to living a longer and much healthier life. I can now go places and do things I previously never dreamed possible.For years I tried it all, if you can think of a diet, I tried it. Your program showed me that using the right blend of both exercise and diet are the key. The two have to be used in conjunction with each other. I am now helping to show my granddaughters that a healthy diet and exercise is a realistic goal. Healthy eating is not a chore and a negative thing, it can be very filling and taste better then unhealthy food.I have had to give all my old cloths away and have the new problem of finding clothes in smaller sizes, like a 6 petite. I am blossoming into the person I always knew I was, but could never show because my weight always held me back and made me feel insecure and uncomfortable. I used to dread going shopping for clothes, now I spoil myself and am never afraid to try something on!Everyday is a new adventure, and I wake up every morning, eager to live life to the fullest. Oh, by the way I am down 80+ pounds, have tons more energy and looking forward to a whole new life!

    80 lbs