Fitness & Wellness

Are Pre-Workouts Good For You?

Are Pre-Workouts Good For You?

What are pre-workouts? They’re a convenient way to get calories and energy before a workout. It’s been known for quite some time that eating the right food an hour to three hours before a workout could provide the energy you need to improve your results. Combinations of carbs and protein before working out help provide the energy you need for your muscles, plus some protein to make you feel full so you don’t binge on a pizza after the workout and provides raw material for muscle building. A PB&J or fruit and yogurt smoothie are good pre-workout foods.

Pre-workouts are convenience products.

You don’t have to worry about the right combination of carbs to protein with pre-workouts. It’s ready for you to combine with water or simply open the can or bottle. They boost your energy level to help boost your performance. Some contain caffeine, which is known as a performance enhancer. Some drinks are packed with extra nutrients, such as B-vitamins, which helps your metabolism and boosts your energy.

The ingredients will vary, depending on the pre-workout you choose.

If you read about nutrition often or simply watch TV with commercials, you may have heard about the superfood beets and beet juice. What makes it so good for people about to exercise is that it boosts the body’s nitric acid levels. Nitric oxide then dilates the blood vessels to increase blood flow to all parts of the body, which increases your endurance and reduces the stress on the heart. Some drinks beets or beet juice, while others contain creatine, which is found in muscle tissue. It helps improve strength and builds muscle tissue, plus boosts your exercise performance.

Make sure the pre-workouts provide what they say.

No matter what the label says, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s true unless someone else certifies that. The FDA does most certifications for foods and drugs, but they don’t regulate pre-workouts. Some organizations, such as NSF or Informed-Choice are third party groups that certify the purity and quality of supplements. Check the label to ensure that it contains that certification.

  • Watch out for products that contain caffeine and creatine. Too much caffeine or creatine increases blood pressure and heart rate, can cause nausea, diarrhea and upset stomach. Both can cause dehydration.
  • A study in the International Journal of Exercise Science found that using pre-workouts only boosted strength by four to eight percent. What gave the biggest boost were supplements with caffeine.
  • If you’re eating a healthy snack an hour to three hours before a workout, you can supplement with a cup of coffee to get the same results as most pre-workouts provide. You’ll be more satisfied, too.
  • If you do opt for pre-workouts, always check the label and don’t overdo. Many of these drinks have sweeteners such as sugar, sugar alcohol or artificial sweeteners. Sugar adds calories, while alcohol sugars and artificial sweetener can cause gas, bloating and diarrhea.

For more information, contact us today at Skin Sport Fitness Center

Are Protein Supplements Good For You?

Are Protein Supplements Good For You?

If you go into any health food store, you’ll find shelves dedicated to protein supplements. There are protein supplements for vegetarians, ones for bodybuilders and even supplements for seniors. Are they good for you? Do you really need them? Who should take them? The first thing to understand is how much protein you actually need. There are many factors surrounding the answer to that question. Older people don’t use the protein as efficiently as younger people do, they may need more. Your weight and activity level play a role in the amount of protein you need as well.

How much you need is based on many things, including physical activity.

If you’re really active, you need more protein that someone who is sedentary. The people living a sedentary lifestyle only require 1.2 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. Since one kilogram equals 2.2 pounds just divide your weight by 2.2 to find kilograms. As you get more active, the amount increases to 1.3 grams per kilogram of body weight for moderate exercise and finally 1.6 grams if you’re doing a high intensity power lifting regularly. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you also need increased protein.

While it’s bad to have a deficiency in protein, it doesn’t happen very often in developed countries.

Signs of too little protein include the wasting of muscles, skin, hair, and nail problems, stunted growth in children and edema, to name a few. However, you can get too much of a good thing. If you eat more than the highest recommended amount of protein, such as consuming 2.2 grams per kilogram of weight over a long period of time. More than that amount for a long period can create health issues like exhaustion, dehydration, diarrhea, nausea, headache and irritability. If you continue beyond those symptoms, it can lead to blood vessel disorders, seizures, kidney disease, liver disease and potentially cardiovascular disease and death.

You don’t have to take protein supplements if you eat healthy.

While you can get too much protein, it’s hard to do if you’re eating regular healthy meals. However, if you’re adding protein supplements to everything, that’s where you need to be careful. Not everyone should consume protein supplements. In fact, with the exception of advice from medical doctors, consuming your protein from healthy meals is far better. We provide customized nutrition coaching and guidance toward menus to increase your intake of protein if you’re switching to a more active lifestyle.

  • While protein supplements can boost your protein intake, most don’t provide all the extra nutrients that healthy eating does.
  • All parts of the body use protein as building blocks. It’s important for bones, skin, muscle, blood and cartilage.
  • If you’re trying to lose weight, protein can be your friend, so don’t skimp on it either. It makes you feel fuller for longer, making weight loss easier.
  • One of the biggest deterrents of eating huge amounts of protein is bad breath that simply doesn’t disappear no matter how much you floss or brush.

For more information, contact us today at Skin Sport Fitness Center

Workouts To Do When You're Sore

Workouts To Do When You’re Sore

If you’ve ever had a tough exercise session and ended up with loads of aches and pains, it shouldn’t stop you from working out. There are workouts you can do when you’re sore that not only won’t make you feel worse, but actually make you feel better. Achy muscles are one of the things that can put a workout program on its heels, but it shouldn’t. Rather than taking a week off to feel better, there are exercises you can do that will speed your recovery. Make sure the pain is normal aches and not excruciating pain. With easy exercise normal pain can go away in just a day or two.

Exercising with mild pain is called active recovery.

When you’re building muscle tissue, you’re actually creating microtears in the muscle and when it heals, it heals stronger and bigger. Active recovery is a way to get your blood flowing and that increased circulation can send nutrients and oxygen to speed the healing process. Cardio, such as walking or swimming is a great way to boost your active recovery. If you’re careful, you can even do light resistance training. One study showed that the use of resistance bands could increase the speed of recover just as much as a ten minute massage.

Focus on the part that doesn’t hurt.

If your legs hurt, work your upper body. If you ache in your upper body, focus on your lower body workout. You’ll reduce the potential of making your pain worse and still maintain your workout schedule. Watch out for overtraining, however. You’ll know you’re overtraining if you constantly feel tired, have insomnia, mood changes, get minor illness often, indicating you have a compromised immune system or a higher resting heart rate. If you have those symptoms, take a few days off to fully recover.

Skip the gym and go to the doctor if you notice these things.

There’s a big difference between feeling sore and sharp excruciating pain. Soreness is more like a discomfort that goes away in a couple of days. While you may feel achy at night, but it shouldn’t keep you up after you took an over-the-counter pain medication like aspirin or ibuprofen. Normal aches and pain will make you uncomfortable, but not nauseous. If you notice black and blue marks or lose function in the area, don’t go the gym, go to a doctor or health care professional. It might be something more serious.

  • Reduce the risk of pain in the first place by doing warm-up and cool-down exercises. A warm up can be jumping jacks and a cool down can be walking around or a gentle bike ride the last few minutes.
  • Stretching is a great way to recover from soreness. It increases circulation and breaks the cycle of muscle spasms and contraction.
  • If you’re starting a new program of exercise, always start slowly and focus more on form. Not only will having good form help prevent injury, taking it slow will help reduce the risk of pain.
  • If you’re looking for another way to relieve some pain or help prevent it, consider using a foam roller after a workout. It acts like a massage for your muscles, helping to reduce muscle tension.

For more information, contact us today at Skin Sport Fitness Center

At Home Workouts For Biceps

At Home Workouts For Biceps

A lot of clients at SkinSport Fitness in Anthem, AZ, have requested some at home workouts for Biceps, just in case they can’t make it to the gym or the gym is closed because of a mandate. I can understand that and have put together some exercises that you can do. One of the biggest problems faced by people that workout at home is that they don’t have any gym equipment like they’re used to using at SkinSport. That’s why most of the workouts are bodyweight exercises. These types of exercises have been around for ages and use the weight of the body instead of barbells, kettlebells or dumbbells.

Modify a standard push-up.

While a standard push-up will work the biceps a little, it doesn’t work them as much as modified ones. For a standard push-up, you get on all fours with your hands slightly wider than the shoulders, then straighten your legs and arms. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Hold and then push back up. Modified ones that work biceps include a close-stance push-up, which is just like the regular one, except your hands are closer together, with just a few inches between them.

If you have a chair, you’ve got part of your home gym.

Sit in the chair with your feet on the floor in front of you. Grip the edge of the chair, raising your body off the seat and keeping your arms straight. Move your body forward beyond the edge of the chair so you don’t hit it as you lower your body to the floor. Your knees should be in line with your ankles as you bend your elbows to lower your body below the edge of the seat and then raise it back the original position.

Grab a towel and start working out.

Towel curls can be a great way to build arms. Best of all, you can adjust the resistance easily. Get a bath towel, folding it a few times lengthwise to create a sling for your feet, holding one end in each hand. Stand with your back against the wall with your feet a foot apart in front of you. With one leg slightly bent, bend the other knee and put that foot in the towel sling in the center. Leave your arms still as you curl the edges of the towel toward you with your foot providing the resistance. Here’s where you can adjust how much resistance you want to provide. Curl as you would using dumbbells, hold and return to starting position. Repeat until you’ve completed your sets and switch to do it on the other leg.

  • Create your own kettlebells with milk jugs or detergent jugs by filling them with sand or water to adjust weight. You can do the same with water bottles to create dumbbells. Inexpensive resistance bands are also great to keep on hand.
  • Grab that filled detergent bottle weight and a chair for a variation on the bicep curl. Sit in the chair with feet wide apart. Hold the bottle in your right hand as you put the elbow against the inner thigh of the right leg. Lower the jug next to your ankle, then bring it back up to the chest, hold and lower to starting position.
  • Use resistance bands. Hold both ends of the resistance bands, putting the middle of the band under your feet to hold it. Start with arms maintaining good posture by your hips, allowing the band to have slack. Bend your elbows, raising your hands to your shoulders, pulling the bands tight, then lowering them.
  • Doing an elevated pike position or push-up with one arm is another modification that works biceps.

For more information, contact us today at Skin Sport Fitness Center

What To Do With A Weight Loss Plateau

What To Do With A Weight Loss Plateau

Hitting a weight loss plateau happens a lot, no matter how much we try to avoid it. There are some steps that can be taken to help you shed those extra pounds and prevent that plateauing. As a trainer, I see a lot of people who get discouraged and give up working out and eating healthy, when there is evidence that making a few changes could actually help get past the problem and resume weight loss.

Know why plateauing occurs to identify ways to avoid the problem.

Plateauing can occur because of the body’s drive to be efficient. Efficiency is praised in a business setting and also good for the body, unless you’re trying to lose weight. Then it can cause you to burn fewer calories. The longer you do an exercise, the less difficult it is for your body to do and the fewer calories you burn. Avoiding the problem is easy, just vary your workout more frequently. As a trainer, I make sure we do that for several reasons. One is plateauing and other reasons include combating boredom, working muscles on all planes and working toward maximum potential, which increases as you get fitter.

As your weight changes and gets lower, your body doesn’t have to work as hard.

Just imagine carrying a ten point weight around all day. You’d get pretty tired. You’d also burn extra calories. The same is true if you put on an extra ten pounds and the opposite is true. If you lose ten pounds you won’t burn as many calories, just as you wouldn’t burn as many calories if you put a ten pound weight down and walked without it. It takes 3500 more calories consumed than burned to add a pound and that weight loss can affect the speed of weight loss. The solution is to eat a little less or workout harder to get the weight loss you hoped to achieve.

Plateauing isn’t always indicative that you’re not getting fitter.

A cubic inch of fat weighs less than a cubic inch of muscle tissue. To make that a bit clearer, the container holding ten pounds of fat would be a lot bigger than a container holding ten pounds of muscle tissue. It’s like comparing containers holding ten pounds of feathers and ten pounds of lead. You may not be losing weight, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress. You could be losing inches. Track your measurements, too. If you hit a plateau and don’t track them, check how your clothes fit. Are tight pants suddenly loose? Are your old clothes simply too big? Take heart and persevere, you’re making headway.

  • Don’t judge your weight loss daily, instead, weigh yourself once a week or less. Do it at the same time of day. Weight fluctuates throughout the day and water weight can give a false idea of all the progress you’ve actually made.
  • If your weight is plateauing for long, yet you’ve counted everything you ate and you’re fine, have you considered it might be what you drink. Soft drinks add empty calories and that could be the problem. Even diet soft drinks are bad and can add inches to your waistline.
  • Increase your activities outside the gym. Find ways to boost the calories you burn daily. Skip the elevator, at least for a few floors. Park further from the door when you shop. Walk faster, do physical chores at warp speed and instead of sitting through commercials if you watch TV, do a few exercises.
  • You’ll be more apt to keep up your good work if you spend days you’re not coming to the gym in activities that are physical and that you enjoy. Go roller skating, swim or shoot hoops with the kids. Have fun and enjoy your new-found fitness.

For more information, contact us today at Skin Sport Fitness

Benefits Of Organic Food

Benefits Of Organic Food

At SkinSport in Phoenix, AZ, we focus on various types of lifestyle changes to ensure a healthier you. We are more than just a gym, we offer nutritional help to ensure that your body gets all the necessary nutrients to keep it at peak performance. There’s a lot of misinformation about what’s healthy and what the benefits of organic food are. People want to know if they need to eat only organic food or could they opt for traditionally commercial grown types of food. Organic is good, but not superior in some cases. Finding the right blend of organic to commercially grown is the key.

Learn about the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean Fifteen.”

Every year the USDA—United States Department of Agriculture—tests thousands of fruits and vegetables across the country for pesticides. The Environmental Working Group—EWG—then uses that information to create their Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen list. They then rank the produce based on how many pesticides and chemicals were found, how much was left after washing and how much was found. The Dirty Dozen list is the twelve worst fruits and vegetables with the Clean Fifteen being the most pesticide free.

Samples are taken from the grocery and include produce from traditional factory farms.

The findings are considered after the fruit or vegetable was washed. In some cases, pesticides were found even after the produce was peeled. If you want to lower the price of fruits and vegetables, saving by buying the factory farm produce, you can do it safely with the fresh produce listed on the Clean Fifteen. These include avocado, sweet corn, pineapple, onions, papaya, frozen sweet peas, eggplant, asparagus, cauliflower, mangoes, cantaloupe melons, broccoli, mushrooms, cabbage, honeydew melons and kiwis.

Is there reason to be concerned?

The amount of pesticides used are designed to kill bugs, and while we’re not bugs, so it may seem small, it’s the potential for harm from accumulation. Consider having a serving of toxins every meal and sometimes two. People who eat healthy probably ingest more fruits and vegetables than others, so they may be getting a small amount in several different foods in one meal. Doing that three times a day each day can create a problem. Studies show that pesticides can add to the potential for certain conditions, such as nervous system disorders, hormone disruption and even brain disorders. It can lower the rate of a successful pregnancy by as much as 26 percent. Opt for organic when buying fruits and vegetables on the Dirty Dozen list that include, strawberries, spinach, kale, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, cherries, pears, tomatoes, celery and potatoes.

  • Don’t forget to include organic raisins on your shopping list. The most recent study showed that of all non-organic factory farm grown raisins, 99% had at least two chemicals in them.
  • Consider choosing both organic and grass raised beef and dairy. Studies show the meat and milk products from these animals had beneficial CLA—conjugated linoleic acid—which is better for weight loss, lower body fat, build muscle and increase energy.
  • Grass fed, organic beef and organic poultry are raised without injecting added hormones and antibiotics for faster growth. Grass fed beef and milk products have higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acid, making it the ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3.
  • Newer studies show that organic food not only lowers the health risk from pesticides, it also increases the nutrients between 20 and 40%, like iron, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins E and C.

For more information, contact us today at Skin Sport Fitness

How To Avoid Heat Related Illness

How To Avoid Heat Related Illness

Phoenix, AZ, is definitely known for it’s warm, comfortable winters, but this year it’s also known for the unbearable heat of the summer. Even if you’re in top physical shape, exercise in the heat can be dangerous. Clients prefer to come to the gym, where it’s air-conditioned, but like we’ve seen recently, gyms aren’t always allowed to be open. That forces people to either workout in their home or outside. You can do it and avoid heat related illness by taking precautions.

If you must go outside to exercise, choose the coolest part of the day.

It takes some effort to get up early, but it’s worth it for your health and safety. The early morning is the coolest part of the day. The sun hasn’t had time to heat the ground that then radiates back up to you. Between 4 and 6 pm the ground is the warmest exercising after 6, while it’s still light, will help, but not be as cool as the time right after the sun rises.

Stay hydrated in the heat and you’ll be safer.

Staying hydrated is important even if you’re working out in an air-conditioned area, but far more important if you’re facing temperatures that range well over 100 degrees. Carry a bottle of water with you always and sip throughout your workout. Stick with water an avoid sugary drinks. Instead, after you workout, eat fresh fruit to replace electrolytes you lost through sweat. You’ll feel fuller and improve your nutritional intake if you do that, rather than drink a sports drink.

Make adjustments to your workout to compensate for the heat.

Temperature extremes, whether they’re hot or cold extremes, take a toll on the body. A tough workout also makes your body work harder, but makes it even more difficult to stay cool in scorching temperatures. During extreme heat, you need to give yourself a break and scale down your workout to match the temperatures. If you normally run 20 miles in the morning, pare it back to fewer miles at a slower pace. Walk briskly rather than run and never start a new harder workout on those days when the temperatures soar.

  • Adjust your clothing to the climate. Of course, you wouldn’t wear a sweatshirt and pants to run in hot weather, but wearing light-colored clothing that breathes is important. It allows air to circulate to cool you as it dries your sweat.
  • Anyone with a medical condition should also make sure they check with their physician. People with medical issues who normally take walks outside as their form of exercise, might fare better walking in a mall or indoor area in extreme heat.
  • You may not feel like the heat is as bad in Arizona as it really is and won’t realize how much you sweat, because of the dry conditions. That makes it even more important to sip water constantly as you workout.
  • Look for signs that signal heat related conditions. Headache, muscle cramps, weakness, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, paling of skin, light-headedness and/or rapid heartbeat are signals there is a problem. Seek help immediately.

For more information, contact us today at SkinSport Fitness

How Much Water Should I Drink A Day?

How Much Water Should I Drink A Day?

Most people that live in Anthem and Phoenix, AZ, can tell you that they drink more water on the hot summer days if they’re outside, but that’s not always the case when the weather is cooler or if you’re sitting in air conditioning all day. It’s especially important to stay hydrated if you’re working out. Under normal conditions, you can go without food for about three weeks, but require water to survive after just three or four days. Water plays a major role in your body and to achieve your best, you have to stay hydrated.

Your major organs are primarily water.

Did you know that your brain and heart are 73% water? Your lungs are 83% water. Just imagine what effect dehydration has on those organs. It can diminish your mental acuity, cause increased or irregular heart rhythms and cause the mucus in your lungs to thicken, increasing your susceptibility to breathing problems and allergies. It helps keep your body temperature correct and aids in building new cells. If your joints ache, try a glass of water, it acts as a lubricant in your system. Are you tired or mentally foggy? Don’t grab a cup of coffee, grab a bottle of water instead. It’s the quicker picker-upper.

Losing weight is easier when you increase your water intake.

Ironically, water weight and bloating can be helped by drinking more water. Hunger can sometimes be appeased with water. Too often the body tricks us and triggers the feeling of hunger when you’re really thirsty. Drinking a cold glass of water can actually increase the amount of calories you burn. A study showed that drinking a glass of water before a meal helped people lose weight. It filled you up, not out.

Get into the healthy habit of sipping on water frequently.

Stick with water, not sports drinks or even coffee, for the majority of your daily fluid. If you’ve worked out hard for over an hour, then you may need the benefit of a sports drink to replace electrolytes. Otherwise, you may be just increasing the amount of sugar and sodium you intake each day. Carry a bottle of water with you and if you aren’t a fan, make your own infused water that adds flavor and even a few nutrients.

  • Start each day with a glass of water as soon as you get up and increase your intake of water throughout the day for or a two weeks. You’ll probably notice how much better you feel after just a week.
  • Dehydration can be life threatening. When it’s severe, it can cause convulsions, heart failure and other serious conditions. If you have symptoms of achy joints, dizziness and exhaustion, it’s a sign you may be dehydrated.
  • Older adults, particularly seniors dehydrate more quickly. It can lead to mental confusion that resembles dementia, UTIs, pneumonia and bedsores for the bedridden.
  • For a more youthful appearance and plumper skin, stay hydrated. It can help stave off wrinkles and give your eyes a more youthful appearance.

For more information, contact us today at SkinSport

What Gets You Out Of Bed In The Morning?

What Gets You Out Of Bed In The Morning?

Learning your motivation for working out and getting fit and identifying the real reason you want to do it may be the key to being successful in your fitness program and achieving your goals. If someone told you that you should workout or lose weight, it’s not enough. Even if it’s your doctor. Why did that send you to the gym? Was it only to please your doctor? If so, you’ve set yourself up for failure. Was it so you could live a healthier, more productive life and live longer. Now you’ve got a true motivation. Picture watching children and grandchildren graduating and starting families of their own, with you dancing at their wedding. That’s motivating.

Set goals to reach for motivation.

The goals should be yours and ones that excite you. You are the master of your universe. If something bothers you, take charge and change it. Whether you feel frumpy, sickly or out of energy, you have the power to change it. If you constantly find yourself wishing you could be thinner, more shapely or have the energy to keep up with others, it’s time to take command and make that your motivation. Prove to the world that you’re truly the master of your fate. Find a motivational phrase or verse to lead you to success. My favorite is Invictus by William Earnest Henley.

Find more than one way to measure your success.

Don’t make that bathroom scales your ruler. It’s not. If you’re only using it to motivate yourself, you’ll be disappointed on those days you didn’t lose weight, but probably lost inches. Taking your measurements can boost your motivation, since a cubic inch of fat weighs far less than a cubic inch of muscle. You might weigh the same, but still be slimmer and that’s the goal. Consider clothing size as a way of measuring progress.

Make the journey as much fun as the destination.

Get a workout partner to train with or workout in a small group. It’s more fun when you share your journey with another. Remember that you don’t have to limit your exercise to the gym. Alternate between the gym and something active you love to do. It could be as simple as riding a bike every other day or taking a walk. Some people find that treating themselves to working out at a local park or on playground equipment periodically, is both satisfying and motivating, others feel pampered in the gym. There’s nothing wrong with doing both.

  • Take before and after pictures. Log your progress in pictures. Every month, take a picture in the same spot, wearing identical clothing. When you’ve reached your goal, you can even post them on social media.
  • Keep your eye on the prize. If your motivation is improved good health, picture going to the doctor and seeing him smile when your blood sugar, blood pressure and weight are normal. It can be the motivation for those days you want to skip a workout.
  • Find reasons to workout. Think of those stressful days when working out melted away the stress or focus on the person you’d like to become. Everyone has seen a spry senior they admire for their energy, picture yourself being that person some day.
  • At SkinSport, we can help you with a program that makes it easy to achieve your goals by providing nutritional help and a workout program designed to fit your needs.

For more information, contact us today at SkinSport

Is Eating Breakfast Really That Important?

Is Eating Breakfast Really That Important?

You’ll often hear that breakfast is extremely important, whether you want to lose weight or simply be healthier. There’s a lot of studies on this topic and unfortunately they don’t all agree. Whether you should eat breakfast or not studies have been given a lot of attention, but often those that are pro breakfast, are backed by the cereal industry. The balance still remains a mix.

Some confusion occurs because of the type of people that tend to skip breakfast.

If you’re working normal nine to five hours, the chance you’ll eat breakfast is greater than if you’re a night shift worker. That is a factor many pro breakfast studies fail to consider. There are numerous studies that show people who work night shifts for long periods tend to have more health issues, which include heart disease, an increased risk of cancer, ulcers, digestive problems and even obesity and metabolic diseases. Newer studies show that while skipping breakfast may cause you to burn more calories, it also could lead to a higher incidence of inflammation, which causes health issues.

Studies do find that people who eat breakfast may have increased activity throughout the day.

Until there’s a study that includes all factors, there are going to be studies that show both sides of the coin. While a study in 2017 showed that eating breakfast could improve the body’s ability to burn fat and fight against diabetes, other studies show that extending time between meals, called intermittent fasting, might improve health. One of the problems faced by some individuals is that they’re not hungry in the morning, which might be because of late night snacking that has a negative effect on health.

The answer might be in when you eat breakfast.

Intermittent fasters delay the first meal of the day by 90 minutes and eat their last meal an hour and a half earlier. It meant that they only ate during a narrower window, yet changed nothing about their dietary habits. It caused them to lose twice the body fat as those who continued their normal pattern of eating. Even though the studies may contradict one another. One thing is certain, eating a healthy breakfast, rather than eating a bagel or donut with coffee, is far better for your overall health and weight loss program.

  • If you’re going to have a physically demanding day, eating breakfast will help you make it through the morning with the most energy.
  • A light breakfast before a workout can help improve its quality by giving you energy. However, after a workout, a more substantial meal higher in protein, can help build muscle tissue and aid in recovery.
  • Breakfast should include protein, carbohydrates and healthy fat. A cup of full fat Greek yogurt with berries, nuts and seeds is a quick on-the-go breakfast.
  • At SkinSport, we provide nutritional help to aid you in your goal. We’ll tailor make it to your situation and preferences, so it’s easier to get the nutrition you need at the best time for you.

For more information, contact us today at SkinSport