
What Is The Paleo Diet?

What Is The Paleo Diet?

It seems like there are new diets that are the next miracle or ones that take weight off quickly. Finding which ones work and which ones are hype can be a problem. One of the more popular new diets is the Paleo diet. It’s based on what your ancestors back in the Paleolithic period, 2.6 […]

How To Burn Fat And Keep It Off

How To Burn Fat And Keep It Off

If you’re tired of losing weight, only to regain it and sometimes more, it’s time to learn techniques to burn fat and keep it off permanently. While you might think it means eating celery sticks forever, it isn’t. Taking weight off and keeping it from returning starts with making smarter choices when you eat. It […]

Vitamin D Boosts Your Immunity

Vitamin D Boosts Your Immunity

If you’re already a member of the family at SkinSport in Anthem, AZ, you know we focus on all aspects of healthy living, including diet. What you eat provides the building blocks for healthy cells and proper functioning of the body. Until recently, vitamin D was almost neglected, but the recent pandemic brought about evidence […]

How To Stay Motivated As A Beginner

How To Stay Motivated As A Beginner

When people first start a program of exercise they’re pumped up and ready to workout for hours. That excitement often wanes after the first session and after two weeks, many people find themselves making excuses not to go to the gym. There are ways to stay motivated as a beginner and the more you know, […]

Is Diet Or Fitness More Important?

Is Diet Or Fitness More Important?

There are a lot of ways to approach weight loss and fitness. One is through diet alone, one is with exercise and the third is by doing both. Which is more important? If weight loss is your goal, losing weight by simply exercising isn’t enough, especially if you’re eating an unhealthy, high calorie diet. The […]

Have You Heard Of A HIIT Workout?

Have You Heard Of A HIIT Workout?

Do you want to shorten your workout time and get a workout that has loads of cardio benefits? Try doing a high intensity interval training workout, also know as a HIIT Workout. HIIT is not a specific workout but a way of doing any workout. You alternate between a few seconds to a few minutes […]

How To Eat Mindfully When Home All Day

How To Eat Mindfully When Home All Day

If you live in Phoenix, AZ, you might have found yourself eating everything in the house during the lockdown. Often, people who stay at home all day, fill in those gaps of activity with a snack, a smoke or a cup of coffee. Whether it’s habit, giving your hands something to do or frustration. Eating […]

Best Workouts To Try For Beginners

Best Workouts To Try For Beginners

We design workouts for each individual, which means that at SkinSport in Phoenix, AZ, we create workouts for beginners, as well as people of all level of fitness. Our programs are designed specifically to address each person’s weaknesses, needs and level of fitness. Some of our clients have returned after the long shutdown and want […]

Best Workouts To Gain Weight

Best Workouts To Gain Weight

You may hate that guy down the street who can eat all he wants and never gains weight, but believe me, it’s not a picnic for him either. Almost two-thirds of the US has a problem with obesity or excess pounds, so the people having problems gaining weight are often ignored. What often lacks in […]